From “Project Ranks Billions of Drug Interactions ,” to “Printing the Human Body,” here is today’s harvest from the greenest and healthiest of the Internet:
Project Ranks Billions of Drug Interactions
For decades, drug development was mostly a game of trial and error, with brute-force candidate screens throwing up millions more duds than winners. Researchers are now using computers to get a head start. By analysing the chemical structure of a drug, they can see if it is likely to bind to, or ‘dock’ with, a biological target such as a protein and find potentially toxic side effects too.
What to Eat (and When) Before Working Out
If you're planning a meal a couple of hours before working out, Heidi suggests eating a meal that is a mix of carbs, protein, and fat, which falls in the 300- to 400-calorie range.
Rapid Plankton Decline Puts The Ocean’s Food Web In Peril
Springtime blooms of plankton — microscopic sea creatures that are the foundation of most marine ecosystems — are at the lowest levels ever seen off New England.
Take Charge of Your Body and Your Health
Joel Fuhrman, M.D.—board-certified family physician, nutritional researcher, and New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live—presents the Eat to Live Cookbook in this video.
Printing the Human Body: How It Works and Where It Is Headed
What’s next? How about HP (Hewlett Packard) buying Organovo, which invented and produces the NovoGen bioprinter? Just speculating….
Healthy Recipe Bonus: Homemade Bread with Whole Wheat
and a LOT more at:
Content created, collected, and curated by Steve Kingsley and the natural sweetener team, via Enjoy it. Profit from it — and Spread the Health!