By now most of us are aware that carbohydrates from processed foods — sugar in particular — in the diet are anathema to healthy living.
Yet, only few of us do consume highly refined sugars in less than the recommended amount of 15 grams. In fact, worldwide we pile on 500 extra calories a day from sugar. That's just about what’s needed to gain a pound a week, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.
For some reason, most of us seem to think that the risk of excess sugar consumption is less than that of having too much saturated and trans fat, sodium or calories. Perhaps it's sugar's lack of sodium or fat that make it the "lesser of several evils," or perhaps people are simply of the frame of mind that what they don't know won't hurt them. Why spend hundreds of millions of dollars to redo the Nutritional Facts panels on labels and online every decade or so if that's the case, I ask?
What if you really knew what carbohydrates from processed foods — sugar in particular — did to your body? Would you put it at the top of your "foods to avoid" list? I sincerely hope the following posts, that will cover each of them separately, will motivate you to do so!
#1: Sugar can damage your heart
#2: Sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, promotes belly fat
#3: Sugar is truly one of the silent killers
#4: Sugar has been linked to cancer development and survival
#5: Your sugar "addiction" may or may not be genetic
#6: Sugar and alcohol have similar toxic liver effects
#7: Sugar is implicated in weakening your brain power
#8: Sugar is hidden in many everyday foods we’d not suspect
#9: An overload of sugar (specifically in beverages) will shorten your life
#10: Sugar is definitely making us fat.