From “Paging Doctor Siri: A Hands-Free Way to Ask All Your Medical Questions,” to “How Eating as a Family Can Help Prevent Eating Disorders and Depression,” here is today’s harvest from the greenest and healthiest of the Internet:
Paging Doctor Siri: A Hands-Free Way to Ask All Your Medical Questions
A new app called TalkToDocs lets you ask medical questions aloud, and responds in the same way — just as Siri might answer your question about the closest movie theater.
The new software is designed by HealthTap, a service that provides a network of trusted doctors to answer medical questions online.
Keep Telling Yourself, ‘This Workout Feels Good’
hysical fatigue is a surprisingly enigmatic condition. Scientists don’t fully understand how the body knows when it has had enough. Many of us might guess that activity ceases once our muscles have run out of fuel or fluids. But in studies with rodents, even after they are pushed to run until they drop, scientists have found reserves of fuel in the animals’ muscles.
FDA seeks to ban trans fats in processed foods due to health risks
artially hydrogenated oils, the primary dietary source of the fats, have been shown to raise "bad" cholesterol. Reducing the use of trans fats could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart disease a year, the FDA says.
3 Unintended Consequences of Digital Health
I believe that we might begin to see some unintended consequences of our near-total preoccupation with digital healthcare in the near future. Here are 3 of them:
How Eating as a Family Can Help Prevent Eating Disorders and Depression
A study conducted last year by Tufts University School of Medicine showed that eating frequently as a family can reduce the likelihood that teens will struggle with problems like depression and eating disorders.
Healthy Recipe Bonus: Mississippi Mud Cake
and a LOT more at:
Content created, collected, and curated by Steve Kingsley and the natural sweetener team, via Enjoy it. Profit from it — and Spread the Health!